4岁女童重病昏迷 父母唱《Let it Go》唤醒

更神奇的是,米莉醒过来后说,自己在昏迷中一直隐隐约约听到《Let it Go》,感觉很温暖,当时病重的她也知道家人们一定都陪在身边,一定要坚强地活下去。

Let it go, let it go 随心而行,随心而行 Can't hold it back anymore 不能再抑制了 Let it go, let it go 随心而行,随心而行 Turn away and slam the door 转过身甩上门 I don't care what they're going to say 我不在乎他们会怎样说 Let the storm rage on 让风暴...

“文言文版”《冰雪奇缘》经典主题曲《Let it go》被网友取名为《如释冰》,光歌名就已经能明显感到霸气外露了,而第一句歌词“The snow glows white on the mountain tonight”被翻译成...

心中的天堂就会让心碎成为过往 Never let you go, never let me down 我不会让你离开 让自己对自己失望 Oh, it's been a hell of a ride 一直以来那向着地狱行进的心情 Driving the edge of a knife 恍如游走在刀尖之上 Never let you go, never let me down 但无论怎...

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